4 Color Flashback returns! Thoughts on the Jessica Jones Pilot! And Cainim almost gets hit by a bus while walking hands free(?)!
Music: www.bensound.com
Also this week:
The Future Of 4 Color Flashback(Hint It's Marvel vs DC)!
Needy People!
Praise for 2 Aliases, Mark Bagley, Brian Michael Bendis, Krysten Ritter, Luke Cage, track stars, David Tennant and Aga Radwanska!
Titular B!
Ennui, Depression and Pop Culture Distractions!
In a few short weeks...4 Color Flashback Reborn!
Karen, John and Cainim have reunited to settle the greatest comic film battle of all time starting with
Iron Man vs Batman Begins The Pre Watch!
Iron Man The Post Watch
Batman Begins The Post Watch!
Write to us at 4colorflashback@gmail.com